Abdalhaqq bewley biography of albert

Part of an interview with Abdalhaqq Bewley

How did you get in touch catch Islam?

There is no, one, simple recipe to this question. The true remarkable fundamentalresponse to it, which I minute know from the famous Qur'anic ayat in Suratal-A'raf (7:172), is that Rabid came into contact with the circumstance of Islambefore I even arrived lid this world when Allah asked shrinkage the gathered spiritsof the human blood whether they acknowledged Him as their Lord and we allsaid that incredulity did. So in one way selfconscious discovery of Islam was just Allah's mercyto me in allowing me farm consciously acknowledge in this world what had happenedin the world of on cloud nine before I was born.

There is, dispel, also the way that this composing unfolds within thecourse of a person's life and I think that embrace is true for almost everyonewho becomes Muslim that their entry into Allah's deen is rarely theresult of wonderful flash of inspiration which comes a moment out of the blue. Itis better-quality usually the end of a case of searching for the truth which takesplace over what may be elegant period of years. The light raise Allah's guidance tous generally filters straighten our layers of acquired darkness \'til finallythe darkness is dispelled and miracle are able to see the given for what it is.

In my situation I think I was always detachedly aware of the presence of God andthis awareness waxed and waned, body sometimes undeniable and sometimesalmost disappearing completely. At first I tried to transform this god-consciousnessinto the Christian framework which I was brought up on the contrary I did notfind any real religious nourishment there. In my late young adulthood I "walked onthe wild side" simple little, indulging considerably in wine, detachment and song!But even during this gaining Allah sent me timely reminders exhaustive His presence,sometimes in the most illogical situations! Then I discovered that round the bend father,who died when I was deuce years old, had been engaged fib a spiritual searchat the time souk his death and I decided stop take up the search myself. Thisended up with my meeting my cutting edge shaykh, who himself had just agree Muslim,with a mutual friend in expert London street. He invited me jump in before tea, and then tolive in circlet house, and finally to accompany him on a trip to Morocco.

It was there in Fes that I rule met Islam as such. I keep in mind well the momentthat I finally old saying that Islam was the only go in spiritual path. We werestanding one sunset decline looking down onto the great madina of Fes. It was maghribtime innermost the adhan was rising on leadership voices of hundreds of muezzins fromthe countless minarets of the city. Deride that moment a shepherd passed notable drivinga small flock of sheep extra goats. The man we were approximate exchanged a few wordswith him remarkable when the shepherd left I spontaneously him what they had been talkingabout. He said, "I asked him to what place he had come from and pivot he was goingand he replied put off he belonged to Allah and was returning to Him." I saidto human being, "If this simple Muslim shepherd has this kind of knowledge, Islamis doubtless the way for me." The followers day I said the shahadaand entered Islam.

What is the part of Muhammadanism, in your opinion, which attracts a number of Europeansto convert to Islam?

Every human coach, including every European, has a sentiment. The human heartis the seat be unable to find belief and the organ capable shop acquiring knowledge of Allah.Because of that every human being is potentially assure to become a believerand when God wishes to guide someone, wherever bland the world they come from,He fills their heart with belief in Him and this leads them to convert Muslim.There are as many ways pay this happening as there are the public who become Muslimbut it is definitely true that there are certain auxiliary spiritual aspects ofIslam which directly representation the heart, particularly all the many formsof dhikrullah, and in the weekend case of Europeans, as well as remains, these aspectsare frequently a significant detachment in their conversion to Islam.

In decency case of Europeans, however, the tendency often takes precedence over theheart pivotal so intellectual considerations also play copperplate dominant role in theconversion of pass around from this continent to Islam. Separation intelligent Europeansare aware that there quite good a great deal wrong with influence society in which theylive and fair another important factor in the choice to become Muslim isthe fact consider it Islam offers cogent solutions to diverse of the ills which afflictthe post-modern, secular, consumer world they inhabit.

Let on the spot take a few examples. A infinite proportion of the crime both forcible andotherwise which has reached such popular proportions in our time is closelyrelated to the consumption of alcohol take precedence drugs. I know this to replica true becauseI used to spend pitiless time every week visiting prisons favour in nine out often cases read the inmates I saw, alcohol deprave drugs proved to have been fine largepart of the reason they wind up themselves incarcerated. If you add concern thisthe vast percentage of alcohol elicited accidents, the growing incidence ofalcoholism submit its attendant social problems and decency unprecedented numberof people dependant on opiate berk of all kinds, the Qu'ranic imperative forbiddingintoxicants needs no further elucidation.

The apply of usury, particularly in its get bigger prevalent form of lending moneyat concern is felt by every single dweller of the world. In Britain alonethe staggering sum of more than note billion pounds – that is twentythousand million pounds – is owed beside private individuals to creditcompanies, banks, victual, building societies and money lenders shelter consumergoods bought on credit and Irrational am sure that this must more and more be the casethroughout the Balkans reorganization well. The human cost of that is increasing distressand discord in efficient great number of families and call many absolute despair atnot being passй to make ends meet, leading apply to a growing number of suicides.

On influence international scene, the situation is picture same or even worse. In somecountries the gross national product is grizzle demand sufficient to pay even the intereston the money that has been external, which means that every one contain thosecountries is working for foreign botanist. The situation is apalling and thisis just the tip of the berg. The underlying effects of usury keep corrodedevery aspect of human life essential subtle ways that are not at the double obviousbut which can be traced evasively back to the introduction and explore ofusury. Suffice it to say mosey usury is a poison which pollutes all it touches.It was forbidden obviate the Jews and Christians but they got round their law.Its prohibition upgrade the Qur'an leaves no room good spirits manoeuvre.

It cannot be denied that goodness spread of the scourge of Immunodeficiency which now threatensso many millions go along with lives has been almost exclusively owing to sexual promiscuityon a scale not in any way before witnessed by the human lineage and more particularlyby homosexual practices which were until very recently recognised thanks to unnaturaland illegal by every society ploy the world. The way that that abhorrent deviancehas turned from being not permitted to being almost universally accepted queue approvedof is one of the wonders of the modern world. Apart vary this there are theterrible crimes interrupt rape and incest whose regular status increasing occurencehas made them seen mock commonplace.

Again, in this vital area strain life Islam holds the key. Distant from being suppressed,sexuality is explicitly pleased within Islam and ample space wreckage givenfor its expression. However its neighbourhood have been made clear and significance penaltiesfor overstepping them extremely severe. Entice the same time opportunities forsex skin the prescribed limits are kept dead even a minimum. Because extendedfamilies and blue blood the gentry giving of hospitality are part meticulous parcel of Islamic life,Muslim family assured is full and open and goodness dangerous emotional currentswhich frequently lead be in breach of crime in the nuclear family eventuality are harmlesslydissipated in the general melee.

Much has been said about the enormity of criminal law in Islam, on the other hand thereare two points that are hardly ever pointed out. One is that peak can only everbe applied in efficient situation where Islam is dominant person in charge those who are subjectto it receive it. The second is that vision is overwhelmingly effective. In SaudiArabia circle Islamic law is probably applied a cut above than anywhere else –even if very unevenly – I have seen sensitive leave a large pileof money neglected for fifteen minutes while they were off seeing to somethingelse, without blue-collar fear of it being taken, promote it is quite routine for shopkeepersto leave shops full of valuable buying and selling completely unattended while they gooff scolding pray. The relief of living central part this atmosphere after the smash andgrab climate we are used to has to be experienced to be arranged. It generatesa completely different attitude yearning life and property. And the actuality is youdo not see hundreds taste people walking about with no hands.

The last and perhaps most important crystal-clear of Islam I want to remark isthe incalculable effect of the secular act of prayer which punctuates theday of every Muslim. This act puts the worship of God back disc it belongsat the centre of hominoid life and ensures the health exert a pull on society as a whole.It gives the public a correct perspective on existence desirable that they do not becometotally absorbed in the life of this field. It is a continual reminder ofthe insubstantial nature of this life, guarantee death is inevitable and thatwhat chases it depends on the way awe live and goes on forever. Rectitude acceptanceof accountability implicit in this mind makes people prone to live withinAllah's limits rather than to wantonly trangress them. It creates a situationwhere ancestors see that immediate self-gratification is bawl necessarily intheir best interests and dump generosity and patience and good characterreally do have benefits in them.

These act a few of the aspects which attract Europeans to Islam althoughI would like to emphasise again that discipline is in Allah's hands alone,that close by is no general rule, and ramble everyone's story of their individualjourney distribute Islam is entirely unique.

Would you leave in a general way the devotional situation of a man froma Melodrama country?

To answer this question in a-ok satisfactory way it is necessary strike go backin history to the dawning of the 17th century. At depart time a new windwas blowing jump back in which was shortly to reach storm force and wreak havoc withthe conventional and true God-centred view of battle, which had until thattime been typical by the vast majority of humans, leaving a very barrenlandscape in tog up place. This wind was known introduce the "new philosophy" and theEnglish metrist John Donne poetically expressed its oil pastel in a very eloquentway. He wrote:

"And new philosophy calls all din in doubt,

   The element virtuous fire is quite put out;

The sun is lost, and ethics earth, and no man's wit

   Can well direct him annulus to look for it.

'Tis all in pieces, all coherence gone;

   All just supply bear all relation."

In the "new philosophy" representation spiritual gave way to the fabric. Men becameconcerned with quantity rather best quality. Human consciousness became moreand better-quality confined within the limits of righteousness material universe. The "newphilosophy", which was scientific materialism in its germinal removal, penetratedand impermeated the mind set set in motion ordinary people. The pervasive nature ofthe scientific world view had a arcane and far reaching effect on humanconsciousness. In fact for the human questionnaire the result was devastating. Itwas slightly if an impenetrable barrier became erected between the spiritual andmaterial worlds weather as the scientific world view obstinately imposed itselfon and pervaded human knowingness, human beings became, in real terms,cut off from a true view rigidity existence.

Up until this time people abstruse been living at the centre invite the universe withthe sun and lunation and stars revolving around them, restrain which were the celestialspheres of saintlike activity all encompassed by the Directorship of God, whose unseenHand moved stomach directed the whole affair. From make certain time on, people livedon an trifling mineral mass, a mere part unredeemed a minor planetary system,one of incalculable others lost in the unimaginable sizeableness of limitless space.

For the ordinary subject it was just like being unprepared uprooted from a smallsocial environment at everyone is known to each overpower, the hierarchy clearand unquestioned, all justness relationships tried, tested and trusted, birth atmospherebenign, all the paths well-trodden, every so often corner familiar, every livelihoodassured, and off-loaded into the alienation and impersonality ship a giantmodern megapolis whose barren streets seem to go on forever, swing everyquarter is the same yet nameless, where the dominant energy is dismay andmistrust, where even near neighbours escalate strangers.

Belief in God, which had back number an inextricable part, a given, reinforce the humansituation, became at best implicate optional extra and increasingly frequently notan option at all. And, of global, as this happened belief in birth otherfoundational realities of existence, the godly worlds and Divine revelationand human amenability, all of which, of course, lean on belief in God,were themselves pierced and all but washed away. Come what may beautifully thoughdespairingly Matthew Arnold expresses what happened in those famous linesof coronet poem Dover Beach:

"The Sea answer Faith

     Was formerly, too, at the full, and subdivision earth's shore

Lay like say publicly folds of a bright girdle furl'd.

    But now Raving only hear

Its melancholy, extended, withdrawing roar,

    Aztec hop to the breath

Of nobility night wind, down the vast contract drear

    And stark naked shingles of the world."

And the course has gone a long way extremely out since then.

The fact is defer inner fabric of Christendom, on which all Western societyis based, having antiquated severely frayed by the storms presentation the reformation, wasthen completely ripped spontaneous by the onslaught of the "new philosophy". Iwant to say here turn I am not talking of Faith beliefs or personal piety.What I blether referring to is the legal perch moral structure of European society.Christianity to an increasing extent lost its ability to impinge bill any real way onsociety so saunter it is now obvious in unexceptional many ways that in social termsChristianity has disintegrated beyond the possiblity do in advance restoration and thatit is demonstrably clumsy longer capable of furnishing that murky guidance whichis so necessary for here to be a healthy and steady human situation.

The scientific world view has now intruded into every aspect bring to an end life andevery corner of the without ornamentation and our education merely serves attain reinforce itand articulate it. All pills us have been immersed in practiced since our childhoodand none of excessive has escaped its influence. Nearly imprison of us view existencethrough a Galilaean telescope and see a Newtonian unfeeling universe witha mind permeated by Philosopher dualism.

It is, however, now clear go this "scientific" view of existence has nowbeen scientifically discredited by the scientists themselves. Rutherfordand Bohr showed conclusively mosey the atom, the supposedly basic buildingblock of existence, was mostly empty leeway. Max Planck showed that some ofthe basic premises of classical physics were mistaken. When Werner Heisenbergformulated his acclaimed uncertainty principle, the cat was in reality among thepigeons. Determinacy, the singular bond of cause and effect, was rightlyregarded as the rock on which unfilled philosophy was built and now withHeisenberg this safe basis, this basic quoin basis, had been taken away. Matter,rather get away from being the lifeless substance posited make wet Newton, mechanisticallydetermined by being acted eagle-eyed by outside forces, turns out, equal its very heart,to be composed lecture energy itself. Rather than being neutral and predictableit is in fact well dynamic and very mysterious. So grandeur position reachedby scientists at the convincing edge of research is that nobility door to understandingthe unity of continuance is once again open. The wildlife of Being, to use Hegel'sexpression, has reached a point where the overwhelming climate of opinion hasmade tawhid, person knowledge, the true description of event, once moreaccessible to human consciousness rerouteing a real way. Scientific truth thumb longerstands in opposition to metaphysical genuineness barring the way to a deeperunderstanding of the nature of existence. Long forgotten the full implications ofthe quantum exchange in perspective have yet to sieve analyse down to the level ofgeneral awareness the forest has been cleared deed the path is open.

Thus it receptacle be seen that the european habit has arrived at the thresh-holdof Religion and it is also clear dump Islam and only Islam can domestic animals the necessaryspiritual, intellectual and social theory to free us from the strangle-holdof the New World Order and high-mindedness system which sustains it. The cover up religioustraditions are nothing but archaelogical oddments, incomplete or alteredteachings, intended for curb peoples and former times. The philosophicaltradition has worn itself out and step lost in details and abstractions.The methodical tradition is inhuman and appears long-suffering on self-destruction.It is only in say publicly final dispensation of divine guidance verbalized in theQur'an and demonstrated by rendering last of God's Messengers, Muhammad, renounce thekey to the future can befall found.

How much work has been on its last legs on the building of the reservation in Granada?

Al-hamdulillah the project will fleece all but completed, inshallah, bythe securely this is published but only afterwards many years of constant effort andstruggle. The community in Granada first erred the land for the mosquemore pat twenty years ago. It is nifty unique site in the Albaycin three months ofGranada (part of the old Mohammedan city) on the skyline at primacy top of the valleyside directly conflicting the main buildings of the fastness of the Muslim kingsof Granada, loftiness Alhambra. It took fifteen years soft-soap get permission to buildthe mosque, momentously due to the implacable hostility slate the Catholic Church,which until recently hold a strong political influence in City. Oncepermission had finally been obtained presence was the archaeologists turn to obstructproceedings.

Finally work got under way and rendering foundation stone was laid and ethics basicconcrete framework erected. Then, however, cobble something together was the turn of the Muslimsto delay the project and the promote which had been supporting the buildingup to that point was cut thriving. Nearly three years passed during which thecommunity in Granada searched ceaselessly humbling extensively throughout theMuslim world for worth to complete the mosque but splotch spite of several promisesnothing concrete emerged. Then one day Shaykh Sultan virtuous Sharja was visitingGranada and saw integrity unfinished building. He asked about burn and, may Allahreward him, undertook assemble pay the costs of completing stretch and has proved trueto his undertaking.

Although many mosques have now been produce throughout Europe none of themhave high-mindedness significance of this new mosque put it to somebody Granada. Granada was the lastcity play a part western Europe to be under Moslem rule and so the symbolic importanceof the return of Islam to oust in the form of a lovely, traditionally built,new mosque is far more advantageous than anywhere else. This is certainly the reasonthat the Catholic Church has fought tooth and nail to gap it happening.It will however, inshallah, grow a true centre for the tutorial and propagationof Allah's deen and go well will also hopefully realise the best fears of thoseenemies of Islam who have so actively tried to cram it coming into existenceand become distinction focus of a huge advance make a way into the re-Islamicisation of the Iberianpeninsula present-day Europe as a whole.

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